Slade Gardens Adventure Playground
London Borough of Lambeth
The playground is one of the most famous in London thanks to its yellow submarine (an early APES build, constructed when Grant Lambie was still part of the team). More recently the playground was in need of additional elements to enhance the play experience for children. The staff settled on a wood-fire pizza oven and barbecue area made from breeze blocks, wire mesh and concrete. We even plumbed in running water to complete the cookery experience.
Another area of the site was derelict and unused. This was cleared and turned into an allotment from recycled materials on-site. Wheelchair-accessible beds were created, along with a propagation shed, which is much loved by users and staff.
London Borough of Lambeth
Build Time
4 & 1/2 weeks
Prices are relative to the year, approximate for guideline purposes and exclude VAT.